
About two months ago we posted an article Navigating Investment Waters: Market Analysis – 2 Vital Steps. After reviewing it again, we decided to expand on point two of that article. So here is the follow on – Here is what the investor is looking for…

Unveiling Market Potential

1. Market Size and Growth

Importance: Explain why assessing the market size is crucial for investors. Discuss the correlation between market size and potential returns.

Research Techniques: Provide insights into methodologies for estimating market size, such as top-down and bottom-up approaches.

Trends and Projections: Discuss current market trends and future projections to give investors a forward-looking perspective.

2. Target Audience and Demographics

Identifying Target Audience: Explain how knowing your target audience helps in tailoring your investment strategy.

Demographic Analysis: Discuss the importance of demographic data in understanding consumer behavior and preferences.

3. Regulatory Environment

Legal Implications: Highlight the significance of understanding the regulatory landscape for the chosen market.

Risk Mitigation Strategies: Discuss how investors can navigate regulatory challenges and build strategies to mitigate legal risks.

Evaluating Competition

1. Competitive Landscape

Mapping Competitors: Discuss methods for identifying and analyzing existing competitors.

SWOT Analysis: Encourage the use of SWOT analysis to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats posed by competitors.

2. Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Defining USP: Explain the importance of having a unique selling proposition in a competitive market.

Creating Differentiation: Discuss strategies for creating and maintaining a distinctive position in the market.

3. Market Entry Barriers

Understanding Barriers: Discuss different types of entry barriers and their impact on competition.

Opportunities in Barriers: Explore how certain barriers can also present opportunities for strategic advantages.

Case Studies and Examples

Illustrate your points with real-world examples or case studies of successful and unsuccessful investments. This can help readers understand practical applications of the concepts discussed.


Summarize the key takeaways from the article. Reinforce the idea that a thorough analysis of market potential and competition is essential for making informed investment decisions. Encourage readers to apply these insights to their investment strategies.

What has been your own experiences with corporate legal documents (good or bad) and their impact on your business?

About the author:

John A Morris, MBA

John Morris has 40+ years of business experience beginning with IBM, from there expanding his business experience and skill set with leading companies at HP Books (Knight Ridder Inc.), and Sunset Magazine and Books (Time Warner Inc).  In 2001 Mr. Morris formed CMX Development, Inc. as President/CEO and Founder, growing the company revenues to $10+ million and over 50 employees within three years consulting with business leaders developed and implement strategic plans.  In 2017, John became a Vistage Chair, guiding and coaching CEOs in a private advisory board.